1. Massaging:
Use warm oil to massage your hair and scalp as it helps you to increase blood flow and thereby making your hair root healthy and strong. Always keep your scalp and hair clean, use shampoo when your hair or scalp is oily but do this too often.
2. Balanced diet is must:
Balanced diet plays a vital role to keep your health fit and fine. Therefore start having essential Vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, C, F zinc, iron and copper in your diet to have a healthy hair and also boost the hair growth.
3. Conditioning:
Use a good conditioner for conditioning your hair after shampoo as it protects your hair and makes the more manageable and much simpler to untangle.
4. Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is on the most famous for hair fall treatment. It works wonders and it you use it with care. Apply Aloe vera gel to your scalp and let it stay for one hour and then shampoo it to rinse it. Regular use of this will show an effective result on it.
5. Chemicals Use; Strict No:
Uses of chemicals on the hair make the hair dull and dry which more prone to hair loss by weakening the roots. Therefore avoid the unnecessary us of chemicals, straightening, and coloring.
6. Amla; Indian Gooseberry:
You should include at least one amla in your diet as it helps in hair growth. For the best result you should take amla empty stomach early morning.
7. Exercise and Yoga:
Along with this do not forget to have regular yoga and exercise as it is very much beneficial for stop hair loss as it is found that lack of oxygen and blood supply to scalp contributes to hair loss.
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