Tuesday 31 July 2012

3 Little Known Ways to Counter Cholesterol

The best way to reduce the cholesterol is by following a healthy lifestyle, staying away from fatty and oily foods, exercising daily and controlling the stress. Besides these basic measures, there are certain foods and drinks that can help you to gain a significant drop in the level of your bad cholesterol.

A study showed that women who consume 1-2 apples every day experience a significant drop in the cholesterol level. Apples contain pectin and polyphenols that can help to improve cholesterol. Pectine, which is a soluble fiber, balances HDL and LDL and this helps to block the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract. The polyphenols is present in the peels of an apple and acts as a powerful antioxidant that keeps away free radicals, protecting you from suffering from cardiovascular disease. 

Red Wine
Studies have shown that drinking moderate amount of red wine can prove to be beneficial for the heart. Grapes, that are the main source of wine, are rich in flavanoids and polyphenols that help to lower down LDL and also minimize the risk of heart disease. However, you need to makes sure that you drink wine in moderation since too much of it can harm your heart and overall health.

Dark Chocolates
Studies have shown that eating chocolates that are high in cocoa content can have a few benefits on the heart and body. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, phytosterols and flavanoids which are well known for keeping off free radicals. To avail the full benefits, it is recommended to opt for dark chocolates and not the milk chocolates.


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